Vendor Attendance Management System (iVAMS) enables automation of the entire attendance process of a client facility (or) properties (or) multiple sites wherein the daily attendance of the vendor employee captured at the office/site level with integrated and centrally monitored, processed which is accessible at the head office level to have the data available at any given time for the vendors.
Using face (or) finger, the employee attendance is registered in the device to capture the attendance of the vendors and sub-vendors through a unique ID that integrates the device with the employee data available in web application to generate the attendance on daily basis.
In iVAMS, the details of all employees are entered in the employee profile. It includes all the details like Gender, qualification, previous employer, family details etc. These details can be saved, viewed and updated according to the needs of users.
All employees are mapped to shift i.e., Shift-A, Shift-B and Shift-C and General Shift. The duration of the shift is defined in the shift setup.
Monthly reports are generated as per statutory norms and it highly reduces the workload on attendance reconciliation with vendors. Consolidated emails on monthly reports will be sent to the management for ready reference. Multiple customized reports can also be generated viz., employee wise, department wise, Vendor wise etc.